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Hot Lunch Services





Lunch Menu for 4/1 to 5/2/2024

Lunch Payments Can be Made HERE



A Note from our Nutrition Services Director & Chef

Dear Parents, Students and Staff,

We believe our school lunch program will soon be the best rural meal program in the state. To reach our goal, we continue to update and improve it. Here are some fresh and delicious updates you can expect to see this year.


We take pride in exposing students to a variety of cuisines from all over the world. Students recently tasted Asian noodle ramen bowls and also Chicken Shawarma, a cuisine from the Middle East. We continue to bring students new creative flavors to expand their food palates.


We are fortunate to live in an agricultural area where we can purchase local foods in season from the Valley Roots Local Food Hub.Students benefit from fresh and local items in our meal program that include: potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, mushrooms, cheese, spinach, arugula, cherries, peaches, watermelon, honey dew, radishes, zucchini and green chilis. Local foods not only taste better, but our kids like them too. Purchasing local is an investment in our farmers and our community.


We keep close tabs on making sure that our menu items are student approved.


Close to 90 percent of our menu offerings are made from scratch, which means that we prepare the food right in our own kitchen. When meals are freshly prepared, they taste better and are better for our students.

It is a pleasure to be of service to the community. Thank you for your continued support of our program.


Malcolm Snead photo           

 MALCOLM SNEAD             


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